What Every Person Should Know About WarSimon and Schuster, 2007 M11 1 - 192 pages Acclaimed New York Times journalist and author Chris Hedges offers a critical -- and fascinating -- lesson in the dangerous realities of our age: a stark look at the effects of war on combatants. Utterly lacking in rhetoric or dogma, this manual relies instead on bare fact, frank description, and a spare question-and-answer format. Hedges allows U.S. military documentation of the brutalizing physical and psychological consequences of combat to speak for itself. Hedges poses dozens of questions that young soldiers might ask about combat, and then answers them by quoting from medical and psychological studies. • What are my chances of being wounded or killed if we go to war? • What does it feel like to get shot? • What do artillery shells do to you? • What is the most painful way to get wounded? • Will I be afraid? • What could happen to me in a nuclear attack? • What does it feel like to kill someone? • Can I withstand torture? • What are the long-term consequences of combat stress? • What will happen to my body after I die? This profound and devastating portrayal of the horrors to which we subject our armed forces stands as a ringing indictment of the glorification of war and the concealment of its barbarity. |
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agents Air Force American anthrax April Arlington Armed Forces Army Field Manual Army Lessons Learned battle Bellamy and Russ biological weapons Blast blood body bullet Burn Burn Injuries casualties cause Center for Army chemical weapons civilian Combat Stress Command comrades Dave Grossman death Department of Defense Depleted Uranium Deployment dirty bomb disease drugs enemy enlisted feel Field Manual 21-75 Field Manual 22-51 Field Manual 8-284 fight fragments Husum injuries Iraqi Journal killed Learned Handbook 02-8 Lessons Learned Handbook Medal of Honor military personnel million Navy nuclear Office percent physical Post-Traumatic Stress POWs Prisoners probably Psychological and Psychosocial Psychological Effects Psychosocial Consequences PTSD Public Health rape Ronald F Russ Zajtchuk sexual smallpox soldiers spouse Stress Disorder Surgery tion torture Trauma troops U.S. Army Field U.S. Army Regulation U.S. Department U.S. military United Vietnam veterans Warfare Washington women World World War II wounded York